PLANNING (Class Xi P.A Note)


Q. 1. What is meant by Planning?

Ans= The word planning is derived from the French word "prevoyance" which means 'looking a head'. Planning is merely the thinking process that precedes any administrative activity.

Accobding to J.D.Millett defines planning as "The process of determining the objective of administrative effort and of devising the means calculated to achieve them".

Q.2. Write the significance of Planning.

Ans= Following are the significance of planning 

i) Planning prevents an organisation from being overwhelmed suddenly with new problems. It enables the administrator to assess the future problems and meet them as rationally as possible.

ii) Planning is an attempt to control the future rather than leave it to multiple pressures of politics, decisions of the market place, or uncertainties of fate.

iii) Planning provides for increased participation of the employees and citizens in the affairs of administration.

iv) Planning reduces costs by avoiding overlapping and wasteful activities of an organisation.

v) Planning for development affects the nature of public administration, widens its scope, and increases its role and importance in the implementation of developmental policies and programmes. 

Q. 3. What are the qualities of good planning?

Ans = An effective planning should posses certain qualities.

a) Planning is an information gathering function. A good plan requires a great deal of information.

b) A good plan should be flexible and adaptable.

c) Effective planning requires an expenditure of financial resources and use of han skills.

d) A good planning requires large scale participation of both the citizens and employees.

e) Effective planning requires an honest and efficient administrative system.


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